Doctor Bloodbath, or Butcher Knife, is a um... movie, more or less, about a doctor who murders woman he's performed abortions on. Why is he doing that? No idea, there is basically no motivation provided for his actions, nor any insight into how it all started. As a viewer you're just dumped in the middle of a series of repetitive murders with no real beginning or meaningful conclusion.
Every aspect of this movie is just bad, writing, acting, cinematography, editing, lighting, sound design, and really, I'm being generous here by suggesting that there was intentional lighting or sound design involved. Honestly, if you told me that they shot and edited this entire thing in a weekend with no script, not only would I believe you, but it would make the existence of this thing a lot easier to comprehend.
Doctor Bloodbath is one of the few movies I've seen that makes me question if it should even be considered a movie. It's more like about an hour of moving pictures and sometimes sound which vaguely resembles a narrative, something that seems enough like a movie that a few unfortunate souls may be tricked into handing over actual money for it. And while I will accept a bad movie, I will not tolerate a deceptive one, and that's what this is, it literally uses the opening credits from another movie to make it look like it had a cast and crew that it did not. (Which I guess might be a good thing for the actors who were actually in it) Also fully like half of the film is padding, like changes in location are often accompanied by painful long driving and walking scenes, and just lots of other necessarily long shots that add absolutely nothing to the film other than run time, and several of aforementioned unnecessary padding scenes are actually the same footage used multiple times. However, the weirdest, and most notable thing is the repeated use of clips from other movies, and I don't mean something like a stock footage establishing shot, they literally cut to shots from Nick Millard's earlier films in the middle of scenes, sometimes the characters actually talk with the characters from the reused clips. It's like something out of a late-night talk show sketch, but not intentionally a joke.
Doctor Bloodbath is one of the few movies I've seen that makes me question if it should even be considered a movie. It's more like about an hour of moving pictures and sometimes sound which vaguely resembles a narrative, something that seems enough like a movie that a few unfortunate souls may be tricked into handing over actual money for it. And while I will accept a bad movie, I will not tolerate a deceptive one, and that's what this is, it literally uses the opening credits from another movie to make it look like it had a cast and crew that it did not. (Which I guess might be a good thing for the actors who were actually in it) Also fully like half of the film is padding, like changes in location are often accompanied by painful long driving and walking scenes, and just lots of other necessarily long shots that add absolutely nothing to the film other than run time, and several of aforementioned unnecessary padding scenes are actually the same footage used multiple times. However, the weirdest, and most notable thing is the repeated use of clips from other movies, and I don't mean something like a stock footage establishing shot, they literally cut to shots from Nick Millard's earlier films in the middle of scenes, sometimes the characters actually talk with the characters from the reused clips. It's like something out of a late-night talk show sketch, but not intentionally a joke.