The heart does not pump blood only, it radiates electromagnetic frequencies and has a mind of its own.
Love is experienced in various emotional states: passionate, romantic, consummate and several others, unconditional being the highest which emanates from saints, suffis and prophets. In addition, each culture perceives it according to their dogmas and rituals which they've been programmed with for centuries. For instance in Pashto which Ethan speaks and the national language of Afghanistan, there's no phrase as "I love you", in Dari (classical Farsi) there is.
The clock is ticking and Ethan has to start a family, but experiences cognitive dissonance. Caught between the Afghan traditions of arranged marriage and the American way of meeting the love of his life.
Should he make his family happy and marry an Afghan girl or have his heart meet his soul mate and live the lives of their dreams?
Through trial and error, date after date, will his heart, mind or soul decide for Ethan?
The heart craves romantic and passionate love which are illusions and mere projections of one's own realities, till the layers begin to peel away with time. Two vernacular souls experience joy by sharing the same music, culture, religion, language, etc. The mind craves lusts, desires, luscious and voluptuous physical characteristics.
Mani Nasry takes us on a roller coaster ride, laughters, cries, empathizing not only with Ethan, but all the characters in his beautiful work of art. Every cast member delivered an on point performance; a tear jerker for sure. When the film is in its third act, you don't want it to end, hoping for more acts, hoping Mani broke the traditional three-act formula like Woody Allan.
The heart craves Romantic and passionate love, which r illusions, the pure form of love is unconditional. Partners Usually don't have that for one another - The soul is gratified by two souls sharing the same music, culture, religion, language and so forth - The mind craves lusts, desires and physical attraction, luscious & voluptuous
Bravo Mr. Nasry!
Mani Nasry takes us on a roller coaster ride, laughters, cries, empathizing not only with Ethan, but all the characters in his beautiful work of art. Every cast member delivered an on point performance; a tear jerker for sure. When the film is in its third act, you don't want it to end, hoping for more acts, hoping Mani broke the traditional three-act formula like Woody Allan.
The heart craves Romantic and passionate love, which r illusions, the pure form of love is unconditional. Partners Usually don't have that for one another - The soul is gratified by two souls sharing the same music, culture, religion, language and so forth - The mind craves lusts, desires and physical attraction, luscious & voluptuous
Bravo Mr. Nasry!