Orpheus' Song (2019)
It was the Pomegranate!!!!
10 July 2020
What is it with gay themed films and fruit ? The example of the peach in ' Call Me By Your Name ' set the example and here comes another film with a pomegranate that is the basis of male on male eroticism. For most of this semi-travelogue of a trip to Greece which could have been cut by at least ten minutes two would be gay lovers ' find ' their ' true ' orientation. They are two gym Narcissists who spend their time flexing their muscles and teasing each other while doing all this love's labours lost for women. I did not believe in this scenario except sadly for the gym part. I could have had if there had been a modicum of psychology in the film plus a real sense of chemistry between the two men. There is also a rolling about in the sands which made me laugh and a wrestling scene that made me almost want to stop watching. Put bluntly this is not a very good film, but it gets a 4 because of Orpheus ( called Hercules here ) who genuinely does tap on a sense of magic that unfortunately disappears too quickly. For gym buddies alone who believe they have minds and an appreciation of cinema beyond Hollywood tripe of the 21st Century.
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