Brink of Life (1958)
Groundbreaking in 1958
8 June 2020
What makes this film special is that in 1958 it was examining the emotions and process of childbirth, openly talking about unwanted pregnancy and abortion, and showing it all from the perspective of three women in a hospital. The fact that it acknowledges what it does is in stark contrast to films coming out of America, where the most innocuous of things about a woman's body or even having a baby was suppressed. There is an interesting dynamic in trying to convince an unwed woman to have the child because of all of the support Sweden's public health system now provided, the guilt and turmoil of emotions each feel because of stressful situations or events, and the heartfelt support they show each other. It's a quiet movie for the most part, one that examines feelings and lets us know that coming into the world is not such a simple thing, but a truly gripping moment occurs when one woman is patronized by a male doctor and sedated against her will. I can't say it was one I would reach for and re-watch necessarily, but I'm impressed by the subject matter, and think at the time it would have felt truly groundbreaking.
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