Geukhanjikeob (2019)
Extremely Entertaining!
26 July 2020
Watched 'Extreme Job (2019)' - WHAT A FANTASTIC MOVIE!

It was extremely hilarious and entertaining to the bloody core! Tbh, I haven't laughed this hard in a very long time, your belly might hurt by the time you finish watching this movie!

The Action Sequences Were Spectacular! The Cinematography was Alluring! The Background Score was commendable as well! The Actors portrayed their roles brilliantly! The Screenplay was Stellar as well! There isn't a single dull moment in the movie! You'd be glued to the movie until the end!

I freaking loved this movie to the core man! Made me fell in love with Korean Movies! If you want an 'Extremely' Entertaining Movie then 'Extreme' Job is the movie you gotta be watching! Highly Recommended!
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