Wasted Potential
27 July 2020
Warning: Spoilers
For Kissing Booth 2, it did not live up to the hype it was creating. Full of clichès, stripped of character development, etc. Most can argue teen rom coms have clichès in the writing but the story was predictable within the first twenty minutes of the film. Furthermore, in my opinion, there was no real message of the story besides there's always ups and downs in a relationship. It was unrealistic. However, the one character I did generally like was Marco. He was a breath of fresh air and had great potential. I wish the screen writers hadn't done him dirty like that cause he generally deserved more than he got. The situation between Lee and Rachel was intriguing but what took me out of it was Rachel's character. She was annoying and overreacted way to much. I did like how this plot did have a bit of mature moments but that cliff hanger was not needed. I believe there was various ways this movie could have lived up to its hype if the plot was rewritten.
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