As befits an adaptation of a Luke Short novel, the basic situation of a small Denver town in the pocket of a megalomaniac with deep pockets has seen service in countless 'B' westerns. But it's brought up to date by substituting tungsten for silver in the local mine, by occasionally noirish photography by Republic veteran Jack Marta, that the hero is a veteran of the Korean War and that he goes about by jeep rather than on horseback.
Curiously enough it uses the plot of 'Cyrano de Bergerac' as a springboard for the action; and a number of veteran supporting actors put in brief appearances, including Arthur Q. Bryan (the voice of Elmer Fudd) on the phone to obnoxious villain John Russell.
Curiously enough it uses the plot of 'Cyrano de Bergerac' as a springboard for the action; and a number of veteran supporting actors put in brief appearances, including Arthur Q. Bryan (the voice of Elmer Fudd) on the phone to obnoxious villain John Russell.