In New York City, Flip is a little girl who only wants to bring her divorced parents back together. Her father Phil Gayley (Errol Flynn) is a painter and her mother Ellen (Eleanor Parker) was one of his pin-up models. They try to reconcile while going out to a restaurant but he had forgotten that he had a date with model Nancy Graham at the same place. Head waiter Luigi tries to help Phil which leads to constant failure. Next, Phil tries to win Ellen over by dressing as Santa and sneaking back into her home. Then, Flip's full grown Marine pen pal shows up.
Luigi is great. He's the best part in the early section of the movie. The movie doesn't really set up the couple's relationship correctly. The reconciliation dinner is too easy. Flip should set them up unknowingly and Nancy could still join in on the fun. The dinner needs a better setup. The movie gets better. The Santa is a great start and the pen pal is terrific. It's got solid gags and much better sitcom setups. The Marine turns into quite a funny screwball premise. This is fun.
Luigi is great. He's the best part in the early section of the movie. The movie doesn't really set up the couple's relationship correctly. The reconciliation dinner is too easy. Flip should set them up unknowingly and Nancy could still join in on the fun. The dinner needs a better setup. The movie gets better. The Santa is a great start and the pen pal is terrific. It's got solid gags and much better sitcom setups. The Marine turns into quite a funny screwball premise. This is fun.