In this case you have low budget and unintelligent plot, plus many things that don't make sense given the sci-fi premises. If you want to wade the waters of space sci-fi you can at least have an intelligent plot (not one that seems written by a 14 y.o. who also has no idea how physics work). New sci-fin fans are way more informed and demanding than in the past, that's why this is unforgivable. Some parts are so bad you pity the actors (by the way, this movie has one of the worst forced CPR's scenes you will find in the world of cinema, so trite and overused). The only thing they avoided (just by a hair) is making the male and female protagonist fall in love but only because there was no enough time or because she is one of those new woke female characters who is physically as strong or stronger than men and that would be offensive to some people).