Review of Puppy Love

Puppy Love (2012 TV Movie)
Show sent shivers down my spine
15 July 2020
As a starting point, we get the veteran of Hallmark, Candace Cameron Bure, who is, characteristically at times, overly high strung. Then we get Victor Webster who is awllllll man (and so much of it!) and who doesn't love that cutie pooch! Awwww Jake is adorable.

So we have a great playing field (pardon the pun) but then ... omg ... this show sent chills down my spine in a very UN-Hallmark way!

The way the two leads fought over the dog. If you have ever been acrimoniously divorced with a battle over child custody, you will most likely have complete sense of humour failure during this show.

The 'parents' openly yell at each other over the 'custody' (yes, of the dog). They pit the dog against each other by teaching the dog to act out whilst in the other person's custody and the tussle leads to heartbreaking scenes of goodbyes with the dog over and over again.

If these scenes were meant to be funny, then the scriptwriter needs to grow a heart.
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