Everything Good & True That Hollywood Has Abandoned, Right Here
16 July 2020
I am an adult person who is simply tired, nay exhausted, with all the churned out negativity, post apocalyptic, dark, depressing, soul sucking churn out from the anglosphere.

On a rainy day, I decided to watch this anime in the hope of a little colour, in the hope of a little hope.

Two hours later, having laughed, and cried, and clapped, in other words, having been thoroughly entertained for a change, I knew I had to come here and write a review.

This is just a beautiful movie, a delightful story that stays with you.

Okko's Inn has the purity of spirit, of love, of energy that is so sadly lacking in the Anglosphere these days and I did not realise just how much I was missing this.

Ten stars and THANK YOU to the creators.
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