Peninsula (2020)
Fast and Furious: Korea Drift to Incheon
24 July 2020
That should be the title. I am VERY surprised this was selected for Cannes. This movie still got the K-Drama vibe but lacked the thriller and shock value of the first one - even for a tiny bit. Nada. It's like they tried too hard to appeal to western viewers and ended up producing a film that the Hollywood fanatics themselves would stomp on. It was just horrible. But I expected too much because you know, 4 years from Train to Busan!

I suggest that if you don't want anything to do with the first movie and want some human to human plot with zombies on the side then you can probably sit through this movie. I just lingered on hoping something interesting will happen but the whole miserable 2 hours just failed me. Really disappointed and sad that they weren't able to live up to the first movie. I hope we can all just pretend this movie never happened and wish they will make a part 3 which is more connected or has the feels of the first one. But I guess when you kill Gong Yoo in the movie then it's all downhill from there.

The car racers who likes to scare themselves to sleep with thoughts of zombie outbreaks will probably love this though.
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