An Underappreciated Little Black Comedy
31 August 2020
Decently entertaining, and with a underappreciated performance from Rogen as the Bi-polar lead- Observe and Report is a underrated little dark comedy that doesn't always succeed, but does so more often than not. I'll start off with the flaws of this film. There are several moments of this film that feel a bit choppy, whether it be editing, or simply the increasing change of camera angles throughout a single scene, it feels a bit messy in that sense, and overall weakened the scenes it affected. The film can also be frustrating at times with its awkward encounters and sense of humor, that can get old after a while. Thankfully though, due to Rogen's performance, and the embracing of the black comedy this film knows it is, Observe and Report can often be quite funny, and at times rather amusing. I enjoyed the fact that almost none of the characters in this film are likeable, which may seem like a turn off to some for films, but it doesn't aim to impress the audience with how good everyone is, and it embraces the characters flaws for what they are. The film can be quite violent, rowdy, and at times surprising- not anything I expected from this comedy anyway, and I think the film deserves that recognition as something more than a copycat of Kevin James Mall cop flick. In the end, Observe and Report is a flawed comedy, but it is rather unique in its own way. It doesn't play by the rules, and it isn't afraid to embrace its darker tones and odd sense of humor, something many films (especially comedies) don't ever get the chance to do. My Rating: 8/10
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