Natureza Morta (2018– )
Sorry, I gave up
5 September 2020
This is a five-part series of fifty-minute episodes. That means you have to comprehensively establish your storyline and plot for the viewer very swiftly, much more quickly than for a series of eight or twelve episodes. If a viewer is left floundering at the end of the first episode and doesn't know what is going on, something is wrong.

The story is unnecessarily complicated. There were so many flashbacks that I didn't know what was happening or how they referred to the present day or even to other flashbacks - we were returning to several different years. I worked out that some of the people were being shown as their younger selves but other scenes completely flummoxed me. There was a savage beating of one guy and a stabbing in a luxurious flat. I have no idea why these events happened or even when in the context of the story although the beating could have been connected to a new employee being introduced to her colleagues.But the stabbing was a complete mystery - when did it happen, why, was it present day or a flashback?

I wasn't prepared to risk the time on another episode as the first was a complete failure.
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