Yakusoku no Neverland (2019–2021)
Most of the animes does not deserve to be entered in the Top 250 IMDB list, but this one deserves it and deservedly
5 September 2020
Most of the animes does not deserve to be entered in the Top 250 IMDB list, but this one deserves it and deservedly There are not many words to describe this anime, in terms of the drawing, the drawing is clear and beautiful and in terms of intelligence, I can say that it is similar to Death Note (you can see my list about the shows that resemble Death Note) and Neverland is one of them. The most important thing in the show is music and songs, and the best word to describe them is addiction, especially intro. The first 6 episodes were modest, but I advise you to watch it all at once, and with each episode, the anime will become more wonderful. The best episode is 11 with a rating of 9.6 and then the last. I hope that the second season maintains the distinction of the first season My rating is 9.4
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