The Hum (2015)
well I appreciate it anyway
16 August 2020
Where do these things come from? Somebody wrote a script. Somebody got the financing and the actors/actresses. Some director undertook the project and dealt with all the forces lines up to stress him into a nervous breakdown...But yet...unknown the hell IT IS. Except, I do like it. Not much really going on, but it is most definately a character study. The actors are really doing a good job portraying a starnge torment.....and as good ole Stevie King makes a main theme out of in "Misery", the book anyway, making the preposterous believable and rooting it in "real life" happens effectively. This more or less automatically elevates the situation out of the usual Hollywood bang bang CGI stuff and puts it back on the actors...and I happily admit that this is ALWAYS my preference to the comic book / video game approach , especially in the "horror" genre. So what many think a "bore"...and sometime it is, I usually enjoy as a focus on what the actors are there to do, act, not merely be plastic props awaiting slaughter. 99% of low budget horror movies begin with a chase through a forest, approx 5 teenagers getting in line for some sort of bizarre grotesque death....but optimistically here we start with an interesting premise and believable responses to the unbelievable that tethers things into a plausible and coherent story line. This is not a GREAT CLASSIC like the EXORCIST or the massively overrated granddaddy Psycho.....but t IS an eminently watchable movie, that has a unique story and very good acting. It's low review derive mainly from the stupidity of the average reviewer.......stupified illiterate children. Those of us that bother with these rarely read reviews, we, who are bored and lonely enough to talk to ourselves online, are statistically fewer and brighter and more insightful, then a 12 year old who didn't hear enough guns popping or see enough ludicrous CGI etc to give a movie a realistic rating, who can only spare 2 seconds to click a review button before reviewing their violent military video game.......
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