Huge Drop in Quality
21 August 2020
(This review is for Star Blazers: The Bolar Wars (English version))

Being a huge Star Blazers fan (I was one of the many kids that ran home after elementary school in the late 70's and early 80's so I could watch series 1 (the Quest for Iscandar) and 2 (the Comet Empire)), but I never got to see season 3 (The Bolar Wars). Then in the early 90's I traveling from comic shop to comic shop buying all 26 of the VHS tapes for series 1 and 2, and then buying the DVD sets of 1 and 2 when they were finally released.

So finally after all these years I watched series 3, and all I can say is what a huge drop in quality. The biggest letdown was the story, it was really bad, with way to many elements recycled from the first two series. The new character Jason Jetter is in my opinion the worst character in the Star Blazers universe. Plus, not being able to get the original voice actors to reprise their roles, and having new voice actors was a big distraction. At least the first two series are the masterpieces that they are, so this egg can be forgotten.
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