Wiedzmin (2001)
Pleasant nostalgic fantasy with the ridiculous graphics
28 August 2020
The Polish adaptation of "The Witcher" is a pleasant nostalgic fantasy with a small budget and an average level of its development. The film tells the story consistently and clearly, so people who have not read the books can watch it. I would like to mention good actors and especially actresses, pleasant musical accompaniment (but vocals parts, I'm sorry, are bad). Modern problems (in particular, ecology) are interestingly presented in the setting of the Middle Ages. The film is freedom-loving and tolerant, but these ideas are not imposed. The graphics are funny and similar to "Heroes of Might and Magic" (omg, at the same time "The Lord of the Rings" was filmed!). Overall, the film left an even pleasant impression against the backdrop of low expectations from it. Nice, but not a must-see for non-fantasy fans.
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