Here's Reynaud's first moving picture. It's not what we think of a moving picture, of course That would require several advances, among them film on a strip of flexible material, and that would depend on the invention of nitrocellulose as a film base, instead of simply highly flammable guncotton. That advance would not occur until the following year.
No, this is an earlier form of moving pictures, known as the praxinoscope or phenakistiscope, a series of images arranged or a whirling disc. The image would turn, different images would present themselves, often through a narrow slit, and 'persistence of vision' would do the rest.
No, this is an earlier form of moving pictures, known as the praxinoscope or phenakistiscope, a series of images arranged or a whirling disc. The image would turn, different images would present themselves, often through a narrow slit, and 'persistence of vision' would do the rest.