Review of Grand Army

Grand Army (2020)
This is what teens are facing in America.
19 October 2020
First, I would like to say the young actors and actresses in this show are definitely the future. I look forward to seeing more from all of them. Secondly, the individual plot lines are well told and are really what teens and young adults are facing today in America. Third, without giving to much away, they showed every horribly difficult situation that young adults face (rich, poor, any ethnicity, race, gender, sexuality, religion) in their young lives in a very true form.

My opinion of the show as the person I am is that it not only left me wanting another season, but left me feeling strong emotions for all of the characters. It's a show that can make you happy, sad, angry, uncomfortable, and confused. When a show can make angry at an actor or actress, that means they are connecting with you deeply. If you can feel happy and joy for a characters achievements then they are doing something right. You get all emotions in this show.

This is my first review on IMDb. I tried my best to stay unbiased. I looked at the filming, the acting, the plot lines, and the character development. I can't fault a single thing in this show. Reading other reviews that are rating it on options of disliking it for one small part of the plot is kinda frustrating. I don't think people should review a show they didn't watch till the end. There should be no bias when really reviewing a show. I tried to put mine aside and look at everything that can make a show great and rate it on that. This show gets a 10 out of 10 in every category.

My last point is on one of the plot lines. Personally, I think it was the hardest to watch and the most important thing in the show that hopefully they will continue on in the next season. Sexual assault. They showed it in a very true light. It is difficult to watch, but it is how the system is right now. It is also a very accurate depiction of what a person goes through after.

Thank you Netflix for another great show and pushing the boundaries of what people want to see into what they need to see.
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