Time Capsule (2018 TV Movie)
Is there romance in here somewhere?
21 October 2020
Two couples. No chemistry in either. OK, maybe a little with Shanica Knowles and Gregg Wayans who played Jane and Peter. But even that was all coy and trying to avoid admitting it. Because of the lack of chemistry, it was hard to buy into the idea that at least one of the couples was ready to make a grand gesture or to commit. And the woman of that couple was all over the place in her emotions. Her grand gesture was nonsensical at least if she expected to succeed in both her plans.

The acting for all four was flat, like phoning it in.

The story mixed in a few things that aren't overused. There's been time capsules, but not all that common. The ending was likewise, some twists mixed in with the predictable. The role switches were interesting.
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