Teen Witch (1989)
Top That! So bad it's amazing.
16 September 2020
YouTube is guilty of bringing me to this movie thanks to the Top That rapping that's been doing the rounds on my suggested videos (and I'm not sure what that says about me and my and my algorithms).

I wasn't really prepared for the bizarre collage of 80'sness that was going to unfold.

The small psychic lady from Poltergeist, sudden moments of turning into a music video with really really bad lyrics, look at my many different, very much of its time, fashion outfits montages and sexual harassment that would lead to several court cases in today's world. (Although I will argue this film is a good case that the, 'female gaze', and objectification of men was indeed around in decades gone).

Everything about this film had me engrossed because it just would not be made today and it's so lame 80's it's hilarious throughout but also fascinatingly cool in a retro way.

I didn't really pay much attention to the story as I was to engrossed in the camp and comedic to care, but the plots is so basic you'll know how the entire movie will roll, at about the four minute mark.

The whole thing is a slice of nostalgia, even for those who weren't around in the 80's.

Want to step into the head of what a late 1980's 13 year old girl dreams being 16 is like, then watch this. Fan of camp, cult or pop culture, watch this. Want to see the guys actual tongue slide in out of the girls mouth in the kiss scene, errrr you can watch this as well. Like a bit of 420, smoke that then watch this.
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