Final Exam (1981)
"A fairly solid slasher flick from the 80s!"
18 September 2020
"Final Exam" is a pretty unknown flasher film from 1981 that at the moment has the totally undeserved overall rating of 4.7/10, and I can't understand why! Sure, the acting isn't always top-notch and maybe the killer isn't really something we haven't seen before. But the movie still has some great things about it. Let's get to my positives.

I do really like that this movie actually focuses on its characters more than most slasher films because that makes some death scenes a little emotional. Speaking of the death scenes, "Final Exam" isn't really that blood-focused at all. It focuses more on the presence of this killer and the building tension before the killer strikes, which I really did like. I would say that it's bloodier than the movie "Halloween" (of course talking about the 1978 original), but not the same level as any of the "Friday the 13th" movies. The film also has some scenes in the first 40 minutes or so that nicely ties in to the third act and when people start getting killed, which I think the movie should get more credit for doing.

Also, when we watch slashers we want a good and scary killer. And for the most part, this one has all of that. He reminds me of an unmasked Michael Myers. But this movie isn't perfect, so let's get into some of my issues with it.

I'll be quick to get these out of the way: The acting isn't all that great, the Killer is good for the most part but I feel like he would have been scarier with a more detailed look (like a mask and a vest etc), some scenes during the first 30 minutes or so can be pretty boring & finally; Ralph Brown as Wildman can be pretty annoying.

I did have a good time watching "Final Exam" and I think that any Slasher fan should give it a chance. It's a fairly solid slasher flick from the 80s and if you can get a copy of the Scream Factory release then I highly recommend it because it's worth your money.

Horror: B- (Some Suspenseful Scenes and Good Scares Throughout)

Entertainment: B- (A lot of 80s Charm and fun Collage Pranks)

Acting: D+ (Not That Great, Although Some Were Pretty Decent)

Suspense: C+ (Good Build-ups for Scares, but the First act Lacks it)

Characters: B- (Better Than Average)

Script/Story: C+ (Pretty Basic)

Overall Rating: 7.4/10
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