Saw the Lost Caverns before this one. So knew a few things.
First; The cat and the fawn scenes were horrible. hope these were not real. I never grew up without food in my belly, so I do not know how people can behave to see the sight of metals and see that as there future and then do the most horrible to others.
This is well filmed. Loved it when the actors laughed, what I think was real and the kept it in the series, at episode 2
Where is the love? The romantic scenes where to good. Loved Hong and Zhe there interactions. Hong played a pretty good drunk and a girl uncertain about love. Knew how this ended cause I saw The Lost Caverns before this. Knew the faith of the young ones also. Saw the Caverns before this. Died of a sickness it says in the end? You are giving me a heart warming feeling and then destroy it with a sentence on the end of the screen? That is a really bad ending!
Lost an army (or 2)? Bro after bro dies. To many bro's died here. Retreat was the first word I would have said and not hey... let's go back in. I do not get one scene where disciples get their throats cut. Are the bro's just meat for the grinder?
Tombs; The tombs where just buildings. That was boring. I never got to challenge my brain for a lock and a key. A few 1000 feet little guys centipedes made it exiting, but it got weird. The 100 beyond growth centipede was well GCI. Question... Why build a tomb and when it opens the whole mountain. Then some coven appears and it's we found it?
The only great tomb was the false tomb. Arrow after arrow and seeing that mechanism sold me to believe it. But I still don't get it how they found a door, even if it is explained squash/vegetable thing how they found it.
Zombies; Played it through during Wolvenstein, did this as the master chief at HALO. to the blobs... And zombies are the stupidest ways to end a series or games.... The whole illusion and fungus spores explanation is so bad. Withe ape or some general with spores... It is not ... it is not ... it can't be sold.
Acting; They did a great job. I loved every character. Guess it is why they would put 2 main characters back to the new series.
The dragon; where is the dragon or where is it explained what it was
Rated 7 out of 10. Not tombs exciting and nothing got accomplished in the end. I hope the newer series will answer all my questions.
First; The cat and the fawn scenes were horrible. hope these were not real. I never grew up without food in my belly, so I do not know how people can behave to see the sight of metals and see that as there future and then do the most horrible to others.
This is well filmed. Loved it when the actors laughed, what I think was real and the kept it in the series, at episode 2
Where is the love? The romantic scenes where to good. Loved Hong and Zhe there interactions. Hong played a pretty good drunk and a girl uncertain about love. Knew how this ended cause I saw The Lost Caverns before this. Knew the faith of the young ones also. Saw the Caverns before this. Died of a sickness it says in the end? You are giving me a heart warming feeling and then destroy it with a sentence on the end of the screen? That is a really bad ending!
Lost an army (or 2)? Bro after bro dies. To many bro's died here. Retreat was the first word I would have said and not hey... let's go back in. I do not get one scene where disciples get their throats cut. Are the bro's just meat for the grinder?
Tombs; The tombs where just buildings. That was boring. I never got to challenge my brain for a lock and a key. A few 1000 feet little guys centipedes made it exiting, but it got weird. The 100 beyond growth centipede was well GCI. Question... Why build a tomb and when it opens the whole mountain. Then some coven appears and it's we found it?
The only great tomb was the false tomb. Arrow after arrow and seeing that mechanism sold me to believe it. But I still don't get it how they found a door, even if it is explained squash/vegetable thing how they found it.
Zombies; Played it through during Wolvenstein, did this as the master chief at HALO. to the blobs... And zombies are the stupidest ways to end a series or games.... The whole illusion and fungus spores explanation is so bad. Withe ape or some general with spores... It is not ... it is not ... it can't be sold.
Acting; They did a great job. I loved every character. Guess it is why they would put 2 main characters back to the new series.
The dragon; where is the dragon or where is it explained what it was
Rated 7 out of 10. Not tombs exciting and nothing got accomplished in the end. I hope the newer series will answer all my questions.