Asur (2020)
Had the potential to go further!
29 September 2020
"Asur" exhibits an Artist's wicked mind and prevalent stubbornness for his creations. Along the path, neatly capturing the essence of Bengalis' beloved "Durga Puja" which leads us to an inadequate cessation.

Bengali films have come a long way. A new era has brought countless talented individuals to this ever growing industry. Being a Bengali myself, I'm proud of what they try to pursue in this venerable craft!

Asur proves that!

Made with sheer admiration for our culture, pulling deep strings within our practices, this sheds a light on our community for the global audience; who are unfamiliar with the traditions we highly possess. The camera work was key to that. Several scenic shots with some experimental ones as well; Pavel, the director has made sure to give his work of art a versatile treatment! With a comparatively grandeur scale, visuals are a treat indeed. Alongside with a melodious soundtrack that appeases your mind. Fitting so well with the ambience. A noteworthy core group of performances kept an otherwise slower screenplay up. Speciai mention must go to Abir & Jeet, both of them uphold their roles respectively.

Even with an abundance of positives, there are few flagrant errors. The usual cringe in the dialogues, at times bit too much corny for my taste! Pacing is inconsistent with huge dips in between. The relationships & the bond shown between our three leads left a large room for improvisation.

In conclusion, keeping aside these hindrances, it's a passionately made movie which defines our thousand years of culture. Albeit with the hidden potential, it should have gone further in terms of the narration.
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