A Movie That Needs To Be Watched
1 October 2020
A steller cast of both Irish and English actors, brings a painful story to life, based on real events.

The story starts off very slow, which would be expected. Real life events don't start at 100 MPH. Then, just as you are about to fall asleep, or turn it off; events suddenly come to life, and doesn't let up.

The year depicted, 1984, is personally poignent. I got married that year (we were to marry in 1985) because, if I didn't, my child would've been classed as illegitimate. I would have been forced to "adopt" my own child, even though I was, and am, the father, such was the sway of the law and the church at that time, and we're only talking 30+ years ago.

The movie was made in 2016 however, it wasn't released until 2019, hence the "strange" credits at the end. showing the DNA results. Not being an insider, I must assume that, while the movie had been made, evidence was forthcoming but, had been delayed; and the release date was held back awaiting confirmation.

The period was depicted very well. I don't know much about the area at the time but, I did notice the Garda cars which were period correct (Military and Garda vehicles were always registered in Dublin), and even the electric kettle, which was also correct.

Attention to detail was excellent, and the best part? All the English actors did not revert to stereotype "Oirish" accents. Where Irish accent was required, they did it. And the strange thing was, where English actors played English, it felt comfortable.

A movie worth watching. As it says, it is "based" on events, and the usual disclaimer however, I never thought I'd say this, it's bloody well close to the story, and all the better for NOT having a Hollywood influence.
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