The babysitter.
25 October 2020
Warning: Spoilers
Taking a look at the titles streaming on FrightFest,I became curious about this film due to being unable to find any info for the flick online! This led to me going to meet the babysitter.

View on the film:

Mentioned in a post-screening interview by co-producer Gary Auerbach that this is the first of several Horror projects he has planned, editor/co-writer(with Julie Auerbach and Kevin Tavolaro)/ director Kohl Glass & cinematographer Neil Fernandez kick this first project off with a fabulous bruising opening, bringing a false sense of security to the opening dolly shots mapping out the silent house.

Shattering the silence,Glass storms the family home with rapid-fire whip-pans crashing into blood-drench slo-mo close-ups on the attackers launching into their home invasion. Dodging each attempted hit, Glass scatters cartoon icons over the screen and coiled panning shots towards Jane fighting back.

Keeping the family tied up to the chairs, the screenplay by Glass, Auerbach and Tavolaro bring enticing new rope to tie round this Horror sub-genre,via the unnamed gang wearing demonic eye patches, and the centre of the house a brightly lit,bellowing box of evil.

Rolling to Jane's (played with a plucky,Pop-Rock fizzy burst by Riley Scott) snappy take-downs, the writers sadly leave the set-up that the family may not be as innocent as they appear with one of them clearly having placed the evil box within the household,to wither,as the babysitter must die.
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