Review of Hoax

Hoax (2019)
For most of the movie it was okay... then it just got stupid.
29 October 2020
The movie started off as your typical "made for TV" movie where careers go to die. And that's fine. We see a billion of them, some are okay, others are just garbage fires. This one was shaping up to be an average monster slasher in the woods type. Some shaky cam, but mostly regular movie shots. And it was okay. Nothing great, but okay.

And then they added something that came out of nowhere and made absolutely no sense, and just completely derailed everything. Honestly, up until that end part of the movie, it was passable time wasting. But then it just got terrible and nonsensical. And then AFTER that, we got an ending that actually fit. So that last section just had absolutely no place in the film.

It's a shame. Definitely not worth watching. Completely ruined by a pointless addition.
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