And an alternative new year, then join me and everybody else that enjoyed this peculliar and maybe to some a really different x-mas movie, where the sun is on its highest at the northern side of the compass, and where the vortexes usually churns the wrong way, a film that made me smile and laugh, where phil collins of the genesis has found his spittin image to do his biographical drama when he takes a pass by on the road to the city called alice, and where the children actors must be a joy to the world and to the adult actors, because their plain and simple marvelous.
so if you wanna have an outback christmas, with a paid vouleteerin outback santa sharing love and joy by spreading rain over henrietta or whatever the name of the homestead was, wher the kids are darling buds of naivity, the coming of age daughter the govner cause the mum is completely crazy then have a look at ''a sunburnt christmass''. its a recommend from the grumpy old man thinking that this might be a classic to the x-mas nerds
so if you wanna have an outback christmas, with a paid vouleteerin outback santa sharing love and joy by spreading rain over henrietta or whatever the name of the homestead was, wher the kids are darling buds of naivity, the coming of age daughter the govner cause the mum is completely crazy then have a look at ''a sunburnt christmass''. its a recommend from the grumpy old man thinking that this might be a classic to the x-mas nerds