Crystal Lake Memories is a lengthy six and a half hour documentary on the popular Friday The 13th horror franchise. This documentary was made after the documentary on the Nightmare On Elm Street franchise and features several cast and crew members from all twelve films of the series. This is a very well made and interesting documentary, although it is hard to watch anything that's nearly seven hours long in one sitting, but this is interesting enough that is might be possible to do.
The only real complaint is there is a moment when an actress from the seventh Friday film is said to have died, and it turns out she might not be dead. The people who made the doc reportedly had the obituary of the wrong woman. I'm not sure if that's true, but it's the story going around on the internet. Other than the possible misinformation, this is a great documentary for fans of horror. Those films were really entertaining and it seems like the people who worked on them had a wonderful time. It is important to note that Kevin Bacon and a few other beloved Friday stars are not present in this documentary, but that really doesn't take away from its greatness.