It tells a story about quick-tempered Miguel , Francisco Rabal , a worker who is fired and unemployed he needs money to survive , as he has a good , good-tempered wife : Julita Martinez , a kid and a newborn baby . Ultimately , he gets a bad-paid job as a factory watchman , then he becomes involved in a robbing , but things go wrong .
This is a sad and exciting movie made in maudlin Feuilleton or Folletín style and formally shot in Neorrealist mould . However , it stands out in the Spanish cinema by the time , thanks to a skill realization by Francisco Rovira Veleta and getting a considerable success. Based on an original script by Manuel Salo and Francisco Rivira Beleta himself , being his first big hit . This "Hay Un Camino a la Derecha" 1953 belongs to the Neo-realist trilogy directed by Rivira Veleta along with El Expreso de Andalucía dealing with the famous train robbery and Los Atracadores 1961 about young delinquents . Francisco Rabal gives a fine acting as the unfortunate family man and harbor depot watcher who needs money and will do whatever thing to get it . While Julita Martinez is pretty good as the kind but distressed wife .
Here stands out the cinematography in black and white with plenty of shades by Salvador Torres , though a perfect remastering being really necessary . Shot in streets , markets and prticularly docks of Barcelona, Catalonia , Spain . The motion picture was well directed by Francisco Rovira Veleta . He was a splendid filmmaker , especially known for Los Atracadores , Los Tarantos y Amor Brujo. An his beginning he collaborated with the powerful company CIFESA as director assistant to Luis Lucía and Juan de Orduña . His film debut was Doce Horas de Vida 1948 , following 39 Cartas de Amor and Luna de Sangre based on Fernan Caballero. His greatest successes were Los Tarantos 1963 a dance movie based on an Alfredo Mañas story and Amor Brujo about Manuel de Falla music , both of them nominated to American Academy Award . Other movies with no much success were La Dama del Alba based on writer Alejandro Casona , La Larga Agonía de los Peces Fuera del Agua, No Encontré Rosas Para Mi Madre , La Espada Negra and his last one : Cronica Sentimental en Rojo .
This is a sad and exciting movie made in maudlin Feuilleton or Folletín style and formally shot in Neorrealist mould . However , it stands out in the Spanish cinema by the time , thanks to a skill realization by Francisco Rovira Veleta and getting a considerable success. Based on an original script by Manuel Salo and Francisco Rivira Beleta himself , being his first big hit . This "Hay Un Camino a la Derecha" 1953 belongs to the Neo-realist trilogy directed by Rivira Veleta along with El Expreso de Andalucía dealing with the famous train robbery and Los Atracadores 1961 about young delinquents . Francisco Rabal gives a fine acting as the unfortunate family man and harbor depot watcher who needs money and will do whatever thing to get it . While Julita Martinez is pretty good as the kind but distressed wife .
Here stands out the cinematography in black and white with plenty of shades by Salvador Torres , though a perfect remastering being really necessary . Shot in streets , markets and prticularly docks of Barcelona, Catalonia , Spain . The motion picture was well directed by Francisco Rovira Veleta . He was a splendid filmmaker , especially known for Los Atracadores , Los Tarantos y Amor Brujo. An his beginning he collaborated with the powerful company CIFESA as director assistant to Luis Lucía and Juan de Orduña . His film debut was Doce Horas de Vida 1948 , following 39 Cartas de Amor and Luna de Sangre based on Fernan Caballero. His greatest successes were Los Tarantos 1963 a dance movie based on an Alfredo Mañas story and Amor Brujo about Manuel de Falla music , both of them nominated to American Academy Award . Other movies with no much success were La Dama del Alba based on writer Alejandro Casona , La Larga Agonía de los Peces Fuera del Agua, No Encontré Rosas Para Mi Madre , La Espada Negra and his last one : Cronica Sentimental en Rojo .