Cinema Omnivore - The Tarnished Angels (1957) 6.8/10
14 January 2021
"LaVerne is the neglected wife, sadly even her marriage is the outcome of a dice game, yet, between the good ol' Jiggs and a stony-faced Roger, a woman is destined to pick the high-flying, handsome hero who is ill-equipped for love and family. Burke's advent gives her an opportunity to make a clean breast of it, he is a charming, tender receptacle of her pent-up discontent, they might have a passionate affair, but that doesn't change the status quo. Burke is far too righteous a man to interfere a holy union, and LaVerne can never get over her stolid Prince Charming, is indiscriminately at his beck and call, even for an immoral proposition, she will hardly demur. That is the draw of a man like Roger, his hard-nosed, hellbent masculine toxin that gins up eligible girls' romanticized fancy of "a man worth marrying", LaVerne would be far more happier with Jiggs, but both in Faulkner's head space and in Hollywood's propaganda mill, a soft touch like him has no chance of winning the girl, even second-handedly."

read the full review on my blog: cinema omnivore, thanks
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