A Punk Rock Thriller You'll Never Forget
15 January 2021
This movie rules. If you're going to make a movie about Johnny Thunders, this is the way to do it. I'm not sure who had the idea to turn the mysterious unknown circumstances surrounding the final hours of the punk rock legend's life into a full on, balls out, Jacob's Ladder-esque thriller, but they deserve an award. The movie starts with Johnny landing in a new town, fish out of water in New Orleans, finally clean after years of heroin addiction, ready to turn his life, and career around. Things flip upside down on Johnny real quick when he's recognized at a bar. Johnny starts seeing things... things normal folks don't see. He quickly becomes a paranoid wreck. Is everyone out to get him? Has he truly reached the end of his line, and is seeing something from the other side coming for him? Or is it all in his head? The film turns into an edge of your seat horror movie pretty quickly, and ends on a heartbreakingly tragic note. It's an incredibly well made, creepy as hell thrill ride. Leo Ramsey nails his performance as Johnny. It was like watching the real Johnny Thunders navigate a nightmare. The film really does this wonderful thing of taking this messed up rock star and drops him in the middle of a horror movie. I can't think of any other movie like it. Not what I was expecting at all, and loved every second of it. Fans of punk rock, and Johnny's music will love this flick.
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