"The Shakedown" (1960) is an excellent British crime drama starring Terence Morgan, Hazel Court, Donald Pleasence, Bill Owen, Robert Beatty, Harry H. Corbett, Gene Anderson, and many other fine lesser Brit character actors of the day, including Jackie Collins, Georgina Cookson, and Eddie Byrne. Loaded with talent, this well written and tautly directed show (less well-edited) reminds us that the Brits at the turn of the 60s were turning out well-crafted crime dramas for the masses that have stood the test of time very well. Now, there are a couple of idiosyncratic things about this one. First of all, the sort of jazzy, nearly rock'n'roll underlying score is very 50s - very. It's not bad at all, just a tad loud in a few places. Secondly, the title becomes a song in the middle of the proceedings. The singer is excellent - truly excellent; even the music is decent. But the song: the rhyming that goes on with "shakedown" is out and out ludicrous! Everything from slakedown and takedown to...you get the drift. It wouldn't have been so bad if only a rhyme or two was used, but this one was written by poet whose automatic writing was based on communication with a rhyming dictionary on Mars, and the rhyme with "shakedown" went on and on and on, and the rhymes began to be laughable. What was amazing was that the song was well done by the singer and the tune was done very seriously. Other than the song and the fact that the film should have been edited down from the 92 minutes to about 80, this was really good.
Morgan gets out of prison from a prostitution racket charge which he's served three years for, and now he gets into a blackmail racket, and also plans to get revenge on the man who took over his old racket. The blackmail racket is done by using a modeling front, a semi-legitimate one, combined with a professional photographer's studio, getting males to come in and have them caught with semi-nude and nude models in their photographs. Then the photos are used as bait for cash. This leads to some very interesting plot points, including a fine ending - which - you'll have to watch to find out what it is...