. . . who devoted his fortune to exercising his Second Amendment rights to collect a vast arsenal of vintage firearms which earned him the respect of practically everyone in his home bailiwick. Moreover, when it came time to tap one Marlowe County citizen to kick off the Holiday Season with a tree-lighting ceremony at the Courthouse Square of the burg serving as county seat, the honor of flicking the switch was automatically bestowed upon the beloved doc, a Santa packing heat to dissuade anyone from violating the Holiday Spirit. Naturally, the kind physician kept most or all of his shooting irons in working order, to serve the dual purpose of pest control against any Real Life Scrooges who were thinking about getting out of line. The one nagging fly in COVER UP's ointment is that many Americans do not enjoy the good doctor's economic privileges. Please remember these unfortunates during this holiday season by generously supporting your local chapter of BANGS (Broke Americans Need Gun Stamps).
Cover Up
This film recounts the story of the wealthy country doctor . . .
29 December 2020
Warning: Spoilers