An hour-long programmer that feels like a pilot for a reality TV-series with Christina Gregg, who starred in several crime thrillers, which FATE TAKES A HAND has only a little to do with, but it's important since, fifteen-years earlier, a batch of letters were stolen in a heist, and having turned up it's now the British Post Office's duty to return each to a bevy of eclectic characters...
Christina Gregg plays a reporter tagging along with Ronald Howard, meeting the would-be-recipients at home or work, each telling a flashback yarn about how bad their lives have gotten for which each letter will mend...
These tales include a love-lorn blind woman, paling to the rudimentary comic relief of a working man standing up to his boss after winning money... while the most earthy has a prisoner recollecting a little girl's kidnapping...
Then the last two are the most important: One about a husband being framed by a crooked wife... the only to occur before and after the letter-carrying-duo arrive...
And a punchy ex-brawler who "could have been a contender" before throwing a fight... Making this not so much a Christina Gregg vehicle but a window seat she breezily looks out of.
Christina Gregg plays a reporter tagging along with Ronald Howard, meeting the would-be-recipients at home or work, each telling a flashback yarn about how bad their lives have gotten for which each letter will mend...
These tales include a love-lorn blind woman, paling to the rudimentary comic relief of a working man standing up to his boss after winning money... while the most earthy has a prisoner recollecting a little girl's kidnapping...
Then the last two are the most important: One about a husband being framed by a crooked wife... the only to occur before and after the letter-carrying-duo arrive...
And a punchy ex-brawler who "could have been a contender" before throwing a fight... Making this not so much a Christina Gregg vehicle but a window seat she breezily looks out of.