This is NOT a Batman movie.
21 January 2021
Just read the title of this review and that's pretty much the entire review. That being said, the movie as a whole isn't bad. It's a fun throwback to the 60's and 70's kung fu action flicks a la Enter the Dragon (hell, one of the leads is basically a Bruce Lee clone) with some supernatural stuff thrown in. In and of itself, the animation is decent (though I've seen far better from DC and Bruce Timm) and the story was fine, but the fact that DC marketed this as a Batman movie is beyond a shameless cash grab and downright insulting towards Batman fans to the degree of a big middle finger.

Basically, Batman should never have been in this movie to begin with, and the movie damn sure shouldn't have his name as the titular character in the title. Basically, there are four primary characters and Batman ranks dead last on that list of what the movie does with all them in terms of story and character development. He doesn't even wear the suit for the vast majority of the running time other than less than 60 seconds in the beginning of the movie and about the last 10 minutes. That's it. That's how long we get Batman in a BATMAN movie. What's more, even going on the basis that this is a "young and not as experienced" version like the movie jacket says, the character doesn't feel like Batman at all. He doesn't possess any of the intelligence and investigative skills that Batman is known for, even if this is considered an earlier version of him. I'd be fine if he was just lacking in martial arts skills from the modern day equivalent because, yes, this is supposed to be a younger version of himself, but one thing that defines Batman is his absolutely incredible mind, deduction and reasoning skills, and his tactical ability. None of that is present in this movie whatsoever, even to a developing degree. Not only that, but his costume is treated like it's some kind of lame superpower, like he gets stronger or faster or deadlier when he puts it on... which he doesn't. There's the barest flash of the Batman we were praying to see at the end where he sets up a quick ambush, but that's it. But honestly, it's not the underperforming Batman that's so irritating, it's the fact that he's essentially a B or C list character in his own movie. The only two out of the four primary leads that get any kind of character development are Robert Dragon (aka Bruce Lee) and Ben Turner (who is a mashup clone of Williams from Enter the Dragon and Shaft). They are actually the primary leads.

The worst part? They end the movie like they're teasing a sequel is in the works.

Between this, WW84, and how bad I've heard Death in the Family is, I just don't know what the hell DC is thinking anymore with their films. Honestly, they should have left Batman out of this movie entirely and just done a fun 70's kung fu-style animated movie. He had no purpose being in it and his inclusion, as I said in the beginning, absolutely reeks of nothing more than an utterly shameless cash grab banking on one of their top tier superheroes that for some reason they seem intent on destroying any way they possibly can.
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