Restored by Renown Pictures this film is well worth buying. Although made in black and white this accentuates the darkness of 1940, and the audience of the time would have seen more in it ( veiled ) than todays audience. Set in a Balkan's state this is a country full of repression, smashing in of windows of those not wanted in the state ,and prone to executing ' traitors ' this would have chilled many. The title of the film is a come on as it bears no resemblance to Alexandre Dumas or ' The Count of Monte Cristo ', but it is quite obvious that Lichtenburg must be saved from its tyrant Gurko who wants total rule. Joan Bennett good as always plays the Head of State who Gurko wishes to marry so as to have complete control. As played by George Sanders Gurko is a man to be afraid of, and there are those in the country willing to get rid of him even within his army. He plays the role brilliantly and only Louis Hayward is a little bit too ' light ' an actor for the lead role as the Count's son ( and no you do not need to know about his father ). I liked it a lot. Fast paced and entertaining on a superficial level it has very dark undertones indeed. Well worth watching.