The title suggests something more rugged. But for once they weren't joking when the opening crawl declared this "one of the strangest stories of World War II" (although they probably were when they cast Mervyn Vye as the leader of "the First Mongolian Cavalry". While another of the locals is a kleptomaniac nicknamed 'Harpo' who like his namesake communicates through mime).
The tale of "a bunch of weathermen chasing balloons" across Inner Mongolia, the most arduous part of shooting Robert Wise's first colour film was probably lugging the enormous Technicolor camera about; which paradoxically makes it incongruously pretty to contemplate.
The tale of "a bunch of weathermen chasing balloons" across Inner Mongolia, the most arduous part of shooting Robert Wise's first colour film was probably lugging the enormous Technicolor camera about; which paradoxically makes it incongruously pretty to contemplate.