An Ambitious, Perplexing, Inspiring, and ultimately, a Great Science Fiction Experience like you've never seen before!
10 March 2021
There are many words to describe Reflections TV series --- from Confusing and Bold are two of them.

There are too many things going on, some say, maybe a little too much, but a lot of times you can't feel but still appreciate what you saw in every scene. The use of two actor's for Andy's was a bit hard to follow but it was explained in Ep1.

The film centers around a lot of issues, most importantly the use for experiments for the Russian Federation Army. Each scene comes by and by, and more and more we are launched into how and why Andy's world is flipped upside down and why he is important to the russians.

It fits together with all types of lines and meanings, together with Dark Humor. This film has suspense, drama, humor, sex but to some people, it might be offensive. It's humor is a sort of satire, and it it sort of making fun of itself, and trust me, this is a good thing. It doesn't take itself seriously, and this film works greatly because of that. The various actors, Mario Carneiro, Rahim Long, Tommy Fury, and Jonathan Neves and all the other actors do a great job. All the one-liners, and all the little homages to pop culture are fun to watch, but a lot of times, they do serve a bigger meaning.

See this film for yourself. My review won't really matter. Chances are, you will either despise this film, or absolutely love it! For those of you who didn't like it. I understand why. You might think it was stupid, confusing, and served no bigger 'meaning'. But to those of us who really cared, we know the bigger picture, and ultimately, this film tells a great story. But to those haters, it still had spark and ambition, and in a world of Hollywood, where horrible comedies and horrible repetitive, clichéd movies live, it tried to be different, so at least give it that credit. But it is one of the most original tv films ever made. One of a kind!
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