This TV movie story is about a contemporary issue of drug abuse among kids and youth in schools.
Aline (Anne Charrier) is a rich lady who is also a teacher in her 15 year old son's Romain (Jules Houplan) school. Nadia (Alika Del Sol) is a single working-class mother in a poor locality and her 14 year old son Samir (Abderahmane Cherif) studies in the same school with Romain. Both kids get involved as drug suppliers to a night out birthday party of a classmate Julliette (Lea Leviant). Aline and Nadia come from diverse societies, ideologies, life-styles and sensibilities.
When their kids are arrested - police interview their mothers who find a common ground to save their sons from the grip of drug racket. That forms the core of the story with repeated flashbacks and incidents.
The story written by Lorène Delannoy (and 2 other writers Laure De Colbert and Pierre Tonachella) is very well researched and extremely tight, sensitive and grappling into various aspects of young minds and mother's angst and worries regarding the safety and security of their children.
Director Thierry Petit has done a marvelous job in being honest to the script and writings - putting forward an issue that is so relevant and burning all over the world.Presenting perspectives and impact by being witness to two mother's lives with empathy is well captured.
Anne Carrier (already awarded best actress) and Alika Del Sol have given award winning performances for their respective roles. The two young boys Jules and Abderehmani have done a commendable acting of restless vulnerabilities of youngsters.
The music, background score and editing are very good. The story manages to gain pace with each new event and scene gripping till the movie reaches an unusual climax.
Overall it is a very well made movie in all departments of film-making bringing out burning issues of drug abuse in schools by kids and how parents deal with it by being ready to do anything to protect their children from this drug menace..
Worth nothing is - upon release this movie already generated a lot of media/ TV debate on this topical issue.
I would go with 7.75 out of 10 for this good movie.
Aline (Anne Charrier) is a rich lady who is also a teacher in her 15 year old son's Romain (Jules Houplan) school. Nadia (Alika Del Sol) is a single working-class mother in a poor locality and her 14 year old son Samir (Abderahmane Cherif) studies in the same school with Romain. Both kids get involved as drug suppliers to a night out birthday party of a classmate Julliette (Lea Leviant). Aline and Nadia come from diverse societies, ideologies, life-styles and sensibilities.
When their kids are arrested - police interview their mothers who find a common ground to save their sons from the grip of drug racket. That forms the core of the story with repeated flashbacks and incidents.
The story written by Lorène Delannoy (and 2 other writers Laure De Colbert and Pierre Tonachella) is very well researched and extremely tight, sensitive and grappling into various aspects of young minds and mother's angst and worries regarding the safety and security of their children.
Director Thierry Petit has done a marvelous job in being honest to the script and writings - putting forward an issue that is so relevant and burning all over the world.Presenting perspectives and impact by being witness to two mother's lives with empathy is well captured.
Anne Carrier (already awarded best actress) and Alika Del Sol have given award winning performances for their respective roles. The two young boys Jules and Abderehmani have done a commendable acting of restless vulnerabilities of youngsters.
The music, background score and editing are very good. The story manages to gain pace with each new event and scene gripping till the movie reaches an unusual climax.
Overall it is a very well made movie in all departments of film-making bringing out burning issues of drug abuse in schools by kids and how parents deal with it by being ready to do anything to protect their children from this drug menace..
Worth nothing is - upon release this movie already generated a lot of media/ TV debate on this topical issue.
I would go with 7.75 out of 10 for this good movie.