Enjoyable but the film does bog down a bit during the second half.
1 April 2021
"The Daughter of Rosie O'Grady" is a musical with many of the usual cliches. It also has some nice music and performances as well as some nice actors (such as the always enjoyable Cuddles Sakal in support). But it also suffers from perhaps a song or two too many and a plot that seemed to drag as the film progressed.

The story is about an ex-vaudevillian who has not only given up on performing but who has become rabidly against acting and singing and dancing. Why? Mostly the stage reminds him of his pain, as he and his wife were a famous singing and dancing team long ago....and he doesn't want to think about this past life. This means that when his middle daughter (June Haver) and her falling in love with a song and dance man (Gordon MacRae), the father goes nuts! He also can't handle that his oldest has secretly become married and his 'little girl' (Debbie Reynolds) isn't so little any more. Can dad get over all his hang-ups and accept the daughters for who they are?
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