The film takes place in a village in Sakha (Yakutia), in the Siberian far east, and it is spoken mostly in the Yakut language.
The central caracter is a lonely female witch-doctor (a kind of shaman woman) who is feared, misunderstood and maltreated by most of the villagers, young and old alike. Her behaviour does not conform to the accepted standards. However, when problems arise and accidents happen, the villagers resort to her, often paying in kind by buying her food and vodka. After which they go back to ostracising her.
Her shamanic healing practice, accompanied by strange rituals, takes a toll on the woman's vital energy. Every time she helps someone she is seen vomiting and feeling unwell afterwards. She is aware of this, and often tries to refuse, but mostly gives in. She abuses the vodka she receives to go into some lonely stupor and dance. There are also hints about some important personal loss in the past which haunts her.
Beautifully filmed (we are told that in early winter, when the really harsh cold is still to come) with some unusual camera angles. An interesting psychological study, both of the main character as well as of the people who use her and abuse her. The acting by Valentina Romanova-Chyskyyray is powerful, courageous, very impressive.
The central caracter is a lonely female witch-doctor (a kind of shaman woman) who is feared, misunderstood and maltreated by most of the villagers, young and old alike. Her behaviour does not conform to the accepted standards. However, when problems arise and accidents happen, the villagers resort to her, often paying in kind by buying her food and vodka. After which they go back to ostracising her.
Her shamanic healing practice, accompanied by strange rituals, takes a toll on the woman's vital energy. Every time she helps someone she is seen vomiting and feeling unwell afterwards. She is aware of this, and often tries to refuse, but mostly gives in. She abuses the vodka she receives to go into some lonely stupor and dance. There are also hints about some important personal loss in the past which haunts her.
Beautifully filmed (we are told that in early winter, when the really harsh cold is still to come) with some unusual camera angles. An interesting psychological study, both of the main character as well as of the people who use her and abuse her. The acting by Valentina Romanova-Chyskyyray is powerful, courageous, very impressive.