The movie begins with a man who's not named, a John Doe (actually there isn't a single named character in the movie), announcing through a video uploaded to the Internet that he intends to murder his ex in 72 hours, and wants to document the whole process for us to learn from it.
Along the way, bits and pieces of information allows us to understand what drove him to such a level of cuckooness.
While not being a big fan of "found footage" movies (Cloverfield being an exception), ipI have to admit it's well used here, and works as a whole. The camera is alwaus carried by the main character, or positioned in a logical way. It feels authentic. The director took care of not filming long shaky motion sickness scenes either, which is a plus.
The movie is crazy and original and, the lead actor certainly knows how to convey unleashed madness. In the middle of the madness and horror, he manages to get a few laughs from us.
For an indie low budget movie, it's really good. I've read some harsh critics on there, and my opinion is that the movie is underrated (below five at this date). People have to set their expectations accordingly to the production values and, judge movies for what they are.
There is a post credit sequence. Don't miss it. You'll need it.
Along the way, bits and pieces of information allows us to understand what drove him to such a level of cuckooness.
While not being a big fan of "found footage" movies (Cloverfield being an exception), ipI have to admit it's well used here, and works as a whole. The camera is alwaus carried by the main character, or positioned in a logical way. It feels authentic. The director took care of not filming long shaky motion sickness scenes either, which is a plus.
The movie is crazy and original and, the lead actor certainly knows how to convey unleashed madness. In the middle of the madness and horror, he manages to get a few laughs from us.
For an indie low budget movie, it's really good. I've read some harsh critics on there, and my opinion is that the movie is underrated (below five at this date). People have to set their expectations accordingly to the production values and, judge movies for what they are.
There is a post credit sequence. Don't miss it. You'll need it.