After dying Emperor Constantine , new rulers and Roman population pursue the Christians, accusing them to set fire the city of Rome . Being a known Christian, Centurion Marcus : Carl Mohner, is detained and imprisoned at the dungeons, but helped by some friendly legionnaries, he escapes along with his wife Svelta : Evelyn Stewart or Ida Galli. Along the way, they getway throughout the mountains where the Barbarian tribes govern, being commanded by Rako : Andrea Aureli and Licia : Loredana Nusciak of Django movie .
So-so Sword and Sandals movie with usual ingredients as spectacular battles, duels, pursuits , treason and violent combats among gladiators in the Roman Coliseum. Set just after death Emperor Constantine, this great ruler began a revolutionary rule by establising the religious freedom thanks to an Edict of Milan in 313, permitting Christianism, prohibiting gladiator combats and founding first council of Nicea in 325. Being his successors Constantine II and Constante, sons of his wife Fausta. There are also some spectacular scenes of gladiator combats in the arena, pursuits, martyrdom, including floods , firing and earthquake causing chaos and buildings destruction. These maquettes, miniatures and scale models were made by Antonio Margheritte himself, in fact he was an expert on optical special effects and a model-making craftsman. Stars Carl Mohner as the brave Centurion, but he provides a wooden acting. Being accompanied by three beautiful Eurotrash Goddeses, Loredana Nusciak, Maria Gracia Buzzella and Evelyn Stewart or Ida Galli.
The motion picture was professionally directed by Antonio Margheritti or Anthony M. Dawson, though it has some shortcomings, faults and flaws . This prolific filmmaker Anthony Dawson shot all kinds of genres with success enough, such as : Spaghetti Western : And God said to Cain, Take a hard ride, Dakota Joe , Karate colt and the impostor. Horror : Cannibal Apocalypse or Virus, The Long hair of Death, Castle of Horror. Warfare : Commando Leopard, Commando Wild Geese, Tornado, The Last Hunter. Science Fiction : Treasure Island in the outer Space, Wild Wild Wild Planet, Assignment in outer Space. Adventures : Ark of God Sun, Jungle Raiders, Yor the hunter of future. Thrillers : The Squeeze, Return of Chris Gretcho, Car Crash , Death Rage , Killer Fish, Rip-off. And Peplum or Sword and Sandals : Ursus the terror of the Kirghises, Giant of Rome, Soraya Queen of Desert, and this The Fall of Rome. Rating 5.5/10. Passable and acceptable but routine Peplum.
So-so Sword and Sandals movie with usual ingredients as spectacular battles, duels, pursuits , treason and violent combats among gladiators in the Roman Coliseum. Set just after death Emperor Constantine, this great ruler began a revolutionary rule by establising the religious freedom thanks to an Edict of Milan in 313, permitting Christianism, prohibiting gladiator combats and founding first council of Nicea in 325. Being his successors Constantine II and Constante, sons of his wife Fausta. There are also some spectacular scenes of gladiator combats in the arena, pursuits, martyrdom, including floods , firing and earthquake causing chaos and buildings destruction. These maquettes, miniatures and scale models were made by Antonio Margheritte himself, in fact he was an expert on optical special effects and a model-making craftsman. Stars Carl Mohner as the brave Centurion, but he provides a wooden acting. Being accompanied by three beautiful Eurotrash Goddeses, Loredana Nusciak, Maria Gracia Buzzella and Evelyn Stewart or Ida Galli.
The motion picture was professionally directed by Antonio Margheritti or Anthony M. Dawson, though it has some shortcomings, faults and flaws . This prolific filmmaker Anthony Dawson shot all kinds of genres with success enough, such as : Spaghetti Western : And God said to Cain, Take a hard ride, Dakota Joe , Karate colt and the impostor. Horror : Cannibal Apocalypse or Virus, The Long hair of Death, Castle of Horror. Warfare : Commando Leopard, Commando Wild Geese, Tornado, The Last Hunter. Science Fiction : Treasure Island in the outer Space, Wild Wild Wild Planet, Assignment in outer Space. Adventures : Ark of God Sun, Jungle Raiders, Yor the hunter of future. Thrillers : The Squeeze, Return of Chris Gretcho, Car Crash , Death Rage , Killer Fish, Rip-off. And Peplum or Sword and Sandals : Ursus the terror of the Kirghises, Giant of Rome, Soraya Queen of Desert, and this The Fall of Rome. Rating 5.5/10. Passable and acceptable but routine Peplum.