Review of Crshd

Crshd (2019)
Perhaps a good movie if watched by the target audience...
17 April 2021
Well, I suppose I wasn't really in the target audience for the 2019 movie "Crshd". But hey, I gave the movie a chance.

As it turned out then I just couldn't commit myself to the storyline, as the things that took place throughout the course of the story just had no to little appeal to me, and that made it very difficult to delve into the storyline, embrace it and take it in.

Little did it help that the characters gallery wasn't particularly my cup of tea either. Sure, if you are a young woman around their age, then I believe you will find some mutual ground here with the characters in the storyline. But this just didn't work for me.

Now, I am sure that writer and director Emily Cohn made an interesting enough movie for those it was aimed at. But the movie just fell short of providing me with entertainment, and thus it wasn't an enjoyable movie to sit through.

Ultimately, I ended up giving up on the storyline and just turned the movie off. This is not a movie that I will be returning to watch a second time.

This movie is definitely aimed at an adolescent female audience. No doubt about that.

My rating of "Crshd" lands on a mere three out of ten stars. The production value was adequate, but it can only do so much for a movie.
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