God of War (2018 Video Game)
An absolute powerhouse in storytelling and production value.
23 May 2021
God of War deviates from the traditional linear style of the previous games and gives you a semi open world (hub world if you will). Each hub is astonishingly beautiful, or haunting depending on which one you're in. Especially the "home" hub, the Lake of Nine, is a pleasure to explore. The way more of the map gets revealed as you progress is a joy to behold.

Kratos and Atreus are awesome protagonists, and how they change through the game is very interesting and heart warming. Support characters are some of the strongest you will see in gaming.

The gameplay itself is awesome. The combat is super tight once you unlock some of the abilities and powers. But the thing that grabbed me the most was the exploration and traversal. Figuring out how to get to and open a treasure chest that is out of reach is both satisfying and rewarding. And gaining the materials you need for the best armour is done in a way that is fun.

The thing that really resonates with me is the production value. Every cutscene is like something out of a blockbuster movie. Effects, visuals and sound are all on point.

An epic journey of discovery and atonement.
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