An innocuous romantic comedy from 1946 starring Errol Flynn & Eleanor Parker. A divorced couple share a daughter between them, their marriage fizzled because Parker felt Flynn's career as a calendar illustrator was leading him to extramarital affairs which he vehemently denies. The daughter, hoping to get them back together, engineers a scheme by writing to a military man (posing as her mother) who shows up to woo Parker sending Flynn into a panic pretending to be her brother in order to keep an eye on them. Feeling a bit out of place, Flynn valiantly tries his damnedest to make this material work (I think Cary Grant would've been a better choice) even though its own innate silliness (at one point we get a crib of the famous mirror scene from a Marx brothers film) upsets any romantic notions the film tries to get across. Bottom line they seem to be getting back together more for their daughter than for themselves. Co-starring S. Z. Sakall (from Casablanca) who is wonderful as always & Forrest Tucker (from TV's F-Troop) playing the mail order groom on leave.