Review of Shooters

Shooters (1989)
"You're Drunk!" "Not Drunk Enough!"...
18 May 2021
SHOOTERS is the tale of Army Camp Lepter (called Leper) and it's mixed-up bunch of misfit melonheads.

Camp Lepter has been chosen to host the latest round of war games. This looks hopeless because of the superiority of the opposition, and the vast idiocy and ineptitude of the Lepter-ites.

There are three competing teams, including the all-hot, all-female team. Of course there's the group of gung ho red berets, who are all complete a$$h0les.

This movie is your basic, "losers / outsiders" vs. The nefarious "in crowd". If you've seen ANIMAL HOUSE, REVENGE OF THE NERDS, or any of the movies that have used this same formula, then there's no reason to suffer through this! Once in a while, a giggle-inducing moment may accidentally escape from the overall sludge, but this can in no way offset the brutal drubbing your brain will endure by watching it!

Is there female nudity? Sure, but it's like seeing candy in a cesspool. What good is it?

Great Caesar's ghost! This is awful!...
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