De wensdraak (2021)
What a wonderful movie
20 June 2021
First, this is not Aladin... this is based partly on chinese mythology and represents the gap between poor and rich in China pretty well and how people behave in China, comparing more like what people own and represent instead of their live experience and happiness. Life in China during these times is pretty hard if you are poor and have nothing to show and it's very rare that a couple coming from a poor and rich side, can come together and are "allowed" to fall in love. Some wealthy families will not allow here daughter / son to marry someone poor. That's a fact.

Back to the movie.... i was very pleasantly surprised of all the work which was put into this, story, characters and of course the special effects... this movie has more spirit (pun!) than most of the Disney stuff of today.

Heartful, enjoyable storyline which concentrates on the good in people. The Wish Dragon is not only for kids, every adult should watch it as well and let the spirit capture you. I loved the movie personally 10/10

btw. Long is so cute :) and so is Li Na.
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